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Hunters Gathering: May. 2020

Just Shy of Half a Year! Time certainly does keep pressing forward, and 2020 is pretty well locked for being a crazy one, still we carry on with the goal of trying to bring a little light to you all. We certainly hope you're all staying as safe and secure as possible. Before we jump off into your monthly news update, as you're likely accustomed to by now, just a real quick reminder for you to come connect with the team and community on our official social pages:

Magical Adventures Incoming!

In case you somehow missed it via our social pages, we recently announced the next big thing coming for the Powered by Kids on Bikes like - Kids on Brooms! Kids on Brooms is a collaborative role-playing game about taking on the life of a witch or wizard at a magical school you all attend - a place full of mystery, danger, and thrilling adventure. From dealing with strict professors to facing down mythical beasts, players will get the opportunity to ride brooms, brew potions, and cast powerful magic as they uncover the incredible secrets their school and its inhabitants hold. Built using the ENnie Award-Winning Kids on Bikes framework, it is a rules-light, narrative-first storytelling game perfect for new players and gaming veterans alike!

Create your own unique magical school for witches and wizards! Face down fantastical beasts, search for school secrets, and make sure you hand your homework in on time! Wield wands, ride brooms, brew potions, and cast powerful spells! Tell your own stories filled with magical adventure using the Kids on Bikes framework for rules-light, narrative-first storytelling!

Pre-order today on the Renegade Game Studios website and get a free copy of the PDF on release! Anticipated Delivery Date: August 2020

Strain Series: ZOMBV Released!

We know our Outbreak: Undead.. fans have been eager for a new supplement since getting the core books out, and sure we've had some amazing FCF releases for the game to tide you over. That said, the time for waiting is officially over, as we are pleased to welcome Strain Series: ZOMBV to the lineup and available right now on DTRPG! For those of you not familiar with just what this is here is a little bit of background for you.

During the Kickstarter Campaign for the 2nd Edition Core Books, this community was so supportive we managed to unlock a number of great Stretch Goals. Among these were two supplements for the game through the introduction of a series we intend to explore further over time - the Strain Series. ZOMBV, the first entry of the Strain Series, is a world book exploring opponents, a unique virus, locations, and rules to immediately jump into a game of Outbreak: Undead.. - with you and your friends at the center of the story.

Take the work out of world design, as ZOMBV provides everything you need to get started:

  • A pre-built immersive apocalyptic setting, complete with timeline serving as a backdrop for your scenarios

  • Diverse example survivors for use by players or as NPCs

  • New and setting specific equipment viable both in and out of the setting

  • Detailed rules for the ZOMBV strain of infected opponents introducing new game mechanics

  • Exciting new scenarios exploring the first year of the pandemic

  • And even more horrors untold..

As the pandemic ravages the globe, only one thing remains certain. Your zombie survival plan will fail..

Free Content Friday 2020 May Releases!

Since it is May the time is once again upon us for the next release of our Free Content Friday 2020 run! Here is a quick breakdown if you're new to this:

Free Content Friday is a program at Hunters Entertainment where we collaborate with industry veterans and members of our amazing community to bring fresh and free content to our games. In 2020 we've been very pleased to grow the program to include Outbreak: Undead.., Kids on Bikes, Icarus, and Overlight (via our partners at Renegade Game Studios)! So, what are we bringing you this time?

This month for Outbreak: Undead.. we have an intimate little scenario entitled "We're All About Family" where survivors will need to escort a small family through the horrors of the outbreak! This intense scenario comes to us from a fantastic member of our community and periodic convention worker, Olivia Adams. Assist humanity try and take a real stand against the undead, by helping secure the next generation!

We're doing something a little different this month for our Powered by Kids on Bikes line, where we take a magical audio adventure with two of the lead developers for the upcoming Kids on Brooms along with some of their podcasting friends! Get your first taste of this new game in a fun and unique way, that will also kick off some continued adventures with our friends on the Roll To Play Network. So grab your wand, settle in on that broom, and come join us for a magical time!

Next for Icarus we are returning once again to the fun Session 0 alternatives, giving you some guidance on how to use Icarus as a wonderful enhancement to your Session 0 of other amazing games! Once again put together by developer Spenser Starke, in this installment he explores "Session 0 for Outbreak: Undead.." bringing the flagship game from Hunters Entertainment into the mix. Drop by and see how the process can work, then get ready to survive in the chaos you sow!

Finally we have our Overlight offering for you, and this month's Seeds of Berkhan features information on helpful NPCs to help those leeking guidance on Banyan. Born to different tribes, the Three Sisters are ancient Banyari women who have been in a strange dialogue with the shard itself for as long as any living member of any tribe can remember. Their guidance and insight have helped generations of Banyari hone their survival skills, while sometimes providing invaluable counsel to tribal leaders or even more personalized wisdom to the occasional individual who seeks them out in the pursuit of some deeper spiritual mystery. Bring the Three Sisters into your Overlight Campaign with May's Seeds of Berkhan!

That covers this month's new free content that you can download over on DriveThruRPG (and it is available right now), but don't forget that you can also get involved by creating content for the program. Just send an email to Alex with a pitch for a content release, and if we approve the idea you'll get to work it up professionally with the team and be paid for your work! We look forward to working with you.

Altered Carbon Backer Preview!

For all you Bay City citizens among us, we have a little bit of exciting news for you this month as well. While we are admittedly going to be a little behind schedule we are still very pleased to let you know that the Backer Preview of the full Core Book is going to be kicking off this month! Through this preview we'll be granting our Kickstarter Backers an early look at the PDF during which time they can provide us feedback or call out any errors that might have been missed through the editing process before we send a final file off for print. In this way we'll be able to ensure that the final book is as strong as it can possibly be, and can bring our Backers along for the ride.

Once we have everything all locked and are ready to send the files over to the printers we'll be able to start looking into delivering the PDF version of the book with the final interactive enhancements. Getting the final touches in place with the upgraded PDF will likely take a little bit, but needless to say we are getting very close to it now.


Well, that was a little bit more this month but that covers it for now. Until next we meet stay healthy and stay safe. We're all in this together!


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